Thursday, July 14, 2011


We're in a whole world of teething pain here at Lavender HQ and as a result are Capital T Tired. Today I am ordering one of these amber teething necklaces, to see if they help young Tobes. Has anyone tried them? Any successes? Or failures?

In the meantime, I'm off to inject coffee directly into my bloodstream and finish off a birthday present for my nephew whose party Way to plan ahead and reduce stress, Brooke. Living the simple life, that's me!

1 comment:

  1. Oh My Goodness, look at those beautiful eyes!!
    Yes, I've used the amber beads on two of my children and will be organising some for the third over the coming months. Worked a treat. For my first, apart from the odd temperature, we rarely had an issue with her teething. It did made me think though, was it the beads or was it just her? My second was also ok - until the beads came off and then did we know about it. He was not a happy boy at all. I had to get him another set, and they certainly made a difference. He still dribbled a lot, but the pain was and still is not obvious. His teeth take aaagggeeees to come through as well. Literally months between cutting and the tooth is fully through.
    They are also very cute! All the best


Merci! Ta! Xie xie!